1044 Franklin Avenue, Suite 204
Garden City, New York 11530 U.S.A.
phone (516) 877-7410 Fax (516) 294-4814
email: Sales@GMGSystems.com
Ranging in processing capacity from 2 to 50 gallons per minute, the Sigma S2 line of oily water separators complies with older MEPC regulation 60(33). Because these units are not certified to the new IMO regulation MEPC 107(49), limitations to purchase Sigma units are for non-marine uses only. The Sigma system offers these outstanding features:
* Small footprint, fits where other units will not. * Easy access, serviceability. * Ultra quiet operation.
* No internal moving parts. * Complete with all threaded bronze pipes and fittings.
* Progressive cavity pump. * Optional oil content monitor. * Automatic operation.
* Operational mode indicating lights. * Emergency stop provision.